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Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen

The Resurrected Messiah, the Jewish People, and the Land of Promise



The good news (euangelion) of the crucified and risen Messiah was proclaimed first to Jews in Jerusalem, and then to Jews throughout the land of Israel. In Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen, Mark Kinzer argues that this initial audience and geographical setting of the euangelion is integral to the eschatological content of the message itself. While the good news is universal in concern and cosmic in scope, it never loses its particular connection to the Jewish people, the city of Jerusalem, and the land of Israel. The crucified Messiah participates in the future exilic suffering of his people, and by his resurrection offers a pledge of Jerusalem’s coming redemption.

Basing his argument on a reading of the Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel of Luke, Kinzer proposes that the biblical message requires its interpreters to reflect theologically on the events of post-biblical history. In this context he considers the early emergence of Rabbinic Judaism and the much later phenomenon of Zionism, offering a theological perspective on these historical developments that is biblically-rooted, attentive to both Jewish and Christian tradition, and minimalist in the theological constraints it imposes on the just resolution of political conflict in the Middle East.

Book Jacket Jerusalem Crucified

Endorsements & Reviews


Kinzer has made an important and theologically rich contribution to recent post-supersessionist approaches to the New Testament. His reading of Luke-Acts is compelling. He draws from the best of recent scholarship on Luke-Acts—especially the seminal work of N.T. Wright, who reads the New Testament in terms of Israel’s return from exile as fulfilled in Yeshua’s life, death, and resurrection, and in the ekkle_sia. But, whereas Wright no longer attributes significance to genealogical Israel, Kinzer’s reading of Luke-Acts affirms the proleptic and prophetic significance of Yeshua’s death and resurrection for both genealogical Israel and Jerusalem.

--KESHER: A Journal of Messianic Judaism, Issue 35, Summer/Fall 2019

--AKIVA COHEN, PhD, Jerusalem University College New Testament Studies, Ben Gurion University, Deichmann Program for Jewish and Christian Literature of the Hellenistic-Roman Era

Book Review

“Dropping from heaven like an antidote to Pastor Stanley's book and to all those who would misuse the New Testament to diminish the Jewish people comes Rabbi Dr. Mark Kinzer's new book Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen: The Resurrected Messiah, the Jewish People, and the Land of Promise. The title says it all. Kinzer's eloquent and thought-provoking approach to New Testament interpretation challenges the conventions of supersessionism by placing the gospel in the context of Israel's exile and redemption. David Woods offers us a thorough review of this new and significant contribution to Messianic theology. Once again, Messianic Judaism owes Dr. Kinzer a debt of gratitude.”

--MESSIAH JOURNAL, Issue 133, Winter 2019/5779

--DAVID B. WOODS, South African Theological Seminary, Postgraduate School, Biblical Studies & Theology

Book Review



“Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen is a careful but exciting reading of the NT through the lens of Luke-Acts . . . Kinzer shows that it is the principal link between the Gospels and the Epistles of the NT, and that it unveils the Jewish-gentile admixture of the early church in ways that answer fundamental questions about Christology, eschatology, ecclesiology, ethics, and missiology. Readers of this book will discover ways of seeing Jesus and the early church that will set all of Christian theology in a new light.”

--GERALD R. MCDERMOTT, Anglican Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School



“Kinzer’s work is groundbreaking. He focuses especially on Luke and Acts to show that Jerusalem then, now, and in the future is central to the hope of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus—and thus to his ecclesial body, both Jew and gentile. The good news is geographical. Kinzer develops a new form of Christ-centered Zionism, eschewing millenarianism, and bloody battle scenarios. His work is changing and challenging theological maps for Jewish and Gentile followers of Jesus.”

--GAVIN D’COSTA , Professor in Catholic Theology, University of Bristol



“This is a fascinating book. Kinzer makes the case that Israel is so central to the gospel message that removing her from it, and its hope, seriously dilutes what the gospel is about. With many fresh takes on passages, he opens up this issue for renewed discussion. It is a conversation well worth having.”

--DARRELL BOCK, Executive Director of Cultural Engagement and Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary



“Dr. Mark Kinzer has written a profound and important book. Jerusalem Crucified does something amazing. It refutes replacement theology or the fulfillment theology of N. T. Wright and others through an exposition of the New Covenant Scriptures in context. He shows how the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts especially reaffirm Jewish election and identity rooted in Torah, the Land, and the Temple. While most who deal with these issues show from Romans and other texts that Israel is still elect, and then refer to the Hebrew Scriptures to prove the ongoing connection of the Jewish people to Torah, Land, and Temple, Dr. Kinzer finds this in the New Testament texts themselves. He then concludes with a grand eschatological vision of world redemption. I cannot too highly recommend this book.”
--DANIEL JUSTER, Th. D., Tikkun International, Founding President of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations





Dr. Nicholas Schaser of the Israel Bible Center recently interviewed Rabbi Dr. Mark Kinzer about his new book, Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen. The Israel Bible Center is an educational institution focused on Biblical and Jewish Studies based in the Land of Israel. They are dedicated to providing education through interactive online courses to students of all levels on topics relevant for modern Christ-followers who wish to study the Jewish context and historical backgrounds of the Bible.

Israel Bible Center Round Table Talk with Dr. Kinzer

Israel Bible Center Round Table Talk with Dr. Kinzer

Israel Bible Center Round Table Talk with Dr. Kinzer
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Part 1 - Kinzer Interview about Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen

Part 1 - Kinzer Interview about Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen

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Part 2 - Kinzer Interview about Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen

Part 2 - Kinzer Interview about Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen

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Part 3 - Kinzer Interview about Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen

Part 3 - Kinzer Interview about Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen

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Part 4 - Kinzer Interview about Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen

Part 4 - Kinzer Interview about Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen

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Jerusalen crucificada, Jerusalen resucitada: El Mesias resucitado, el pueblo judio y la tierra prometida (Spanish Edition)


por Mark S Kinzer
Traducido por Diego Losada
Pie de imprenta: Cascade Books


«Jerusalén crucificada, Jerusalén resucitada es una cuidadosa pero apasionante lectura del Nuevo Testamento a través de la lente de Lucas-Hechos [...] Kinzer muestra que [Hechos] es el vínculo principal entre los evangelios y las cartas del NT y que evidencia la mezcla de judíos y gentiles en la iglesia primitiva dando respuesta a cuestiones fundamentales sobre cristología, escatología, eclesiología, ética y misionología. Los lectores de este libro descubrirán formas de ver a Jesús y a la iglesia primitiva que situarán a toda la teología cristiana bajo una nueva luz».

--Gerald R. McDermott, Beeson Divinity School

«El trabajo de Kinzer es innovador. Se enfoca especialmente en Lucas y Hechos para mostrar que Jerusalén, entonces, ahora y en el futuro, es central para la esperanza del mesías judío, Jesús; y, por tanto, también para su cuerpo eclesial, tanto judío como gentil. La buena noticia es geográfica. Kinzer desarrolla una nueva forma de sionismo centrado en Cristo, evitando el milenarismo y los escenarios de batallas sangrientas. Su trabajo está cambiando y desafiando los mapas teológicos a judíos y cristianos gentiles».

--Gavin D'Costa, University of Bristol

«Este es un libro fascinante. Kinzer argumenta que Israel es tan central en el mensaje del Evangelio que, si se prescinde de Israel y de su esperanza, se adultera seriamente el asunto del que trata. Con muchas nuevas perspectivas sobre algunos pasajes, abre esta cuestión a un debate renovado. Es una conversación que bien vale la pena mantener».

--Darrell Bock, Dallas Theological Seminary

La buena noticia (euangelion) del Mesías crucificado y resucitado fue proclamada primero a los judíos en Jerusalén y luego a los de toda la tierra de Israel. En Jerusalén crucificada, Jerusalén resucitada, Mark Kinzer sostiene que este público inicial y el entorno geográfico del euangelion son inseparables de su contenido escatológico. Aunque la buena noticia es universal en su preocupación y cósmica en su alcance, nunca pierde su conexión particular con el pueblo judío, la ciudad de Jerusalén y la tierra de Israel. El Mesías crucificado participa en el futuro sufrimiento de su pueblo en el exilio y, con su resurrección, ofrece una garantía de la redención próxima de Jerusalén.

Basándose en una lectura del Evangelio de Lucas y Hechos de los Apóstoles, Kinzer propone que el mensaje bíblico requiere de sus intérpretes que reflexionen teológicamente sobre los hechos de la historia posbíblica. Considera así la aparición temprana del judaísmo rabínico y los fenómenos, mucho más tardíos, del sionismo y el judaísmo mesiánico, ofreciendo sobre estos acontecimientos históricos una perspectiva teológica arraigada en la Biblia, atenta a las tradiciones judeocristianas y moderada en las restricciones teológicas que impone a la resolución justa del conflicto político de Oriente Medio.

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Mark S. Kinzer es moderador de Yachad Be Yeshua (confraternidad ecuménica interconfesional de discípulos judíos de Jesús), rabino emérito de la congregación Zera Avraham en Ann Arbor (Michigan, EE. UU.) y académico senior y presidente emérito del Instituto Teológico Judío Mesiánico (escuela de posgrado que forma a líderes para el servicio en el movimiento judío mesiánico). Es autor de Postmissionary Messianic Judaism (2005), Israel’s Messiah and the People of God (2011) y Searching Her Own Mystery (2015).

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