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From the Desk of

           Dr. Mark S. Kinzer

"Mark Kinzer Reviews Paul: The Pagans’ Apostle (Fredriksen)"

RES © 2018 published by The Enoch Seminar Online

Image of Mark Kinzer

"Pots, Pans, & Seraphim: Messianic Jewish Prayer in its Heavenly Context"

2017, Hashivenu Forum (Enfield, CT)


"Le peuple et la Terre d'Israël continuent-ils à être des sujets permanents d’intérêt en Luc et Actes"

Taken and translated from The New Christian Zionism edited by Gerald R. McDermott.

Copyright (c) 2016 by Gerald R. McDermott. Used by permission of InterVarsity Press, P.O.

Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515-1426.


"Making the Best of the Worst Times"

2016, Messianic Jewish Theological Institute commencement address (Enfield, CT)


"The Church and the Jewish People Linked by an Unfinished Messianic Salvation"

2015, A lecture by Fr. Jean-Miguel Garrigues, OP regarding his work with Dr. Mark Kinzer delivered at Hillsdale College  (Hillsdale, MI)


"21st Century Messianic Judaism: Evangelical and Post-Evangelical Trajectories"

2014, Conference of the Society of Biblical Literature (San Diego, CA)

"Jewish Disciples of Yeshua & the Healing of the Two-fold Tradition: Eight Theses"

2014, Helsinki Consultation on Jewish Continuity in the Body of Messiah (Ede, Netherlands)


"The Enduring Sacramental Character of Jewish Life in the Messiah: A Messianic Jewish Perspective"

2013, Roman Catholic - Messianic Jewish Dialogue Group


"Finding our Way Through Nicaea: The Deity of Yeshua, Bilateral Ecclesiology, and Redemptive Encounter with the Living God"

2010, Hashivenu Forum (Los Angeles, CA)

"Scripture & Tradition"

2001, Voices of Messianic Judaism

"Scripture As Inspired, Canonical Tradition"

2001, Hashivenu Forum (Pasadena, CA)

"Temple Christology in the Gospel of John"

1998, Seminar Papers (Part One) of the Society of Biblical Literature

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